Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sheep Herding

These days I often say that I live a charmed life.  I said it when I was walking through the beautiful streets of Vienna.  I said it when I was shopping in an outdoor market in the Netherlands and realized that a pair of accordions were in fact following us around town.  I said it after singing "the hills are alive with the sound of music" on a green hill in Bavaria, Germany.  (I'd like to stop here and clarify that I did not sing the entire song, just that part.)

Anyway, today my charmed life moment came when we were confronted with this:

Sheep in the road is generally no big deal around here, I often see a sheep or two wandering in the road. However, an entire sheep herd, complete with 2 sheep dogs and crofter is more unusual.  These sheep were being herded by way of a major road, and the crofter couldn't have been more laid back.  I suspect that our picture taking and grins let him know that we were not feeling inconvenienced.  I'm sure he was relieved.

Now the sheep are on their way...without the sheep dogs?  
The crofter appears to be holding them back...

And here's where we take over!  Yes, we herded these sheep with our Ford (The Green Machine) for about 5 minutes.  I'm sure the crofter was impressed with our skill and technique.  Calmly and confidently we pushed the herd towards their destination.  When the crofter obviously decided that we must be free to go about our business, he sent the dogs back in to give us a way around.

I know it's too blurry to tell for sure, but there was sadness in their eyes as we left them.  
Take my word for it.

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