Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Queen of Candy Necklaces

Here is the Queen of the Candy Necklaces, and she's mine!  A couple weeks ago I visited one of my Gaelic course classmates for a movie night (I LOVE MOVIE NIGHTS!), and this was waiting for me!  Let me give you the dimensions:  2' 4.5" x 3"

I was tempted to eat it straight away, but somehow have managed to leave it alone.  I've decided to save it for a rainy/snowy/cloudy day.  Judging from the recent headlines, that day is coming...and it's coming soon...  This weekend's supposed to be crazy cold and full of precipitation of the frozen variety.  I'm meant to leave the island on Monday to make my way home for Christmas, and I'm getting a bit anxious.

I'm going to make some soup.

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