Friday, February 27, 2009

Say what?

My first day at my new job, I had been given instructions to take the company's only elevator to the fourth floor. Lucky for me, I didn't notice this sign right away and didn't finish it until I had made it safely.

Thanks to my trusty coworker for inconspicuously snapping this photo the other day! Hint hint...if you can't read it (if you can you must have a very large computer screen), click the pic and it will be big enough to read.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Me, a girly girl?

So, I've had these flowers for almost a week now, and every time I see them I smile! I've never been one of those girls that wants flowers, but I do believe I've been converted. Just look at these lovely flowers!

It's like my one personal spring in February! This afternoon, I re-trimmed the stems, changed the water AND used the second package of plant food! I've never actually used that stuff before...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Everything's temporary...

After weeks of job hunting, I finally found a job! Well...maybe it's not all that exciting after all. My new job basically consists of updating a spreadsheet everyday. E-V-E-R-Y-D-A-Y. But, it is a job and I'm thankful to be an upstanding citizen again. Despite the maddening monotony of my daily responsibilities, the job has turned out to be bearable largely due to an easy to get along with co-worker. I am an extrovert, and my first day I had been a little worried because my post is in a little office in the middle of a warehouse. There are two other people in my office, one of which is in and out all day. When I realized that I would be so far removed from the usual office environment, I was wondering if I would make it the full 2 weeks.

However, I am happy to report that I have just finished week 3 with my mental faculties intact, and am confident that I will make it through week 4. I will never underestimate the power of a friendship again!

My job has also introduced me to this beauty...the oldest microwave I have ever seen:

Any guesses on it's age?