Friday, January 16, 2015

Sketch Catch-up #2

Another week another catch-up post!  Good thing I guess since not too much happened on this chilly January week.  Mostly just cold & wind & work.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Sketch Catch-up #1

Still sketching! Not uploading though... Obviously...

Here are a few bits from our lovely vacation to Maine (actual pics were posted in a timely manner, August 27th!):

Sunday, January 4, 2015

It's that time again...

It's New Year's Resolutions time!  I have a bad habit of setting very general goals for myself, not writing them down, and relying on my less than stellar memory to bring them to mind as the year marches on.

That is not working.  Not to say that resolutions are really necessary to a well-lived life, but after a bit of inspiration from a few YouTube videos (yes, I'm one of THOSE people), I thought it would be nice to actually write them down this year, and maybe really try to finish them.

Start small I always say, and I did.  Here are 5 goals that I think I can do, and while they may not live up to my past lofty and general goals, whose to say that completing these won't change my life in some way.