Sunday, March 29, 2015

Moving House!

Hello friends!  I've decided to move house, and thought I'd let anyone interested know.  You can now find me at  Just freshening things up a bit, it is spring after all :)

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Traveler's Notebook Love

About 6 months ago, I came across a blog post with a quick tutorial on creating a Midori style notebook, or a Traveler's style notebook.  I'd never come across this style of notebook, and was quickly drawn into the obsession.  Since then, I've made a hardcover version, and 4 leather versions.  I still haven't bought the original Midori, and haven't ruled it out, but figuring out how to make my own has been tons of fun!  

For the past few months, I've been using the last two additions & thought I'd share the little buddies with the Internet.

My most used notebook is my Field Notes sized version, and this little guy is chucked in and out of my purse everyday.  This is where my weekly planner lives, as well as my commonplace book, to do lists book, and sketchbook.  One of the most appealing features of this style of notebook is the multiple notebooks. I have 4 notebooks in this guy, plus a folder & fly leaf. Everything is held together by a piece of elastic cord strung through the spine of the leather cover.

I also made a full Midori sized notebook, which is a tad narrower than the standard A5 size.  I like it so far!

I make my folders, so they're less than professional!

I received a few official Midori notebook inserts for Christmas, and I love them! So much nicer than my homemade versions...  I do love using my notebooks, but I think my favorite part of this discovery has been looking at everyone else's!  People are so creative, and they make beautiful notebooks.

There are plenty of options if you're in the market for one of these.  Amazon seems to be a good place to find the original, while Etsy seems to be the hot spot for Traveler Notebooks in general.  There are also tutorials for creating you're own on YouTube, and on blogs.  Check out if you'd like to learn more, Ray Blake's blog is so helpful!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Sketch Catch-up #3

This final sketching catch-up post has been fraught with difficulties!  All for 2 measly spreads! Much like the month honestly...  'Twas full of ups and downs, and I was happy to turn the page on my 4 calendars.

I obviously had some scanning issues this month, but I'm moving on and posting these pesky files anyway!

As I said, I did experience some "ups" this month, so let me list them!

- I kept my 1 book a month resolution for January & read Easter Island by Jennifer Vanderbes.  Wasn't too sure about this random book choice for at least the first half of the book, but loved the ending.  I'd picked it up from a library sale about a year ago sucked in by the cover.  I know, I know...

- I've been doing a bit of yoga everyday!  YouTube channel Yoga with Adriene has been 100% the reason why I've managed to do that, and I'm so grateful that I discovered this channel.

- I also managed to send not one, but TWO notes off in January.  Yep, you can say it... Overachiever 😁

Friday, January 16, 2015

Sketch Catch-up #2

Another week another catch-up post!  Good thing I guess since not too much happened on this chilly January week.  Mostly just cold & wind & work.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Sketch Catch-up #1

Still sketching! Not uploading though... Obviously...

Here are a few bits from our lovely vacation to Maine (actual pics were posted in a timely manner, August 27th!):

Sunday, January 4, 2015

It's that time again...

It's New Year's Resolutions time!  I have a bad habit of setting very general goals for myself, not writing them down, and relying on my less than stellar memory to bring them to mind as the year marches on.

That is not working.  Not to say that resolutions are really necessary to a well-lived life, but after a bit of inspiration from a few YouTube videos (yes, I'm one of THOSE people), I thought it would be nice to actually write them down this year, and maybe really try to finish them.

Start small I always say, and I did.  Here are 5 goals that I think I can do, and while they may not live up to my past lofty and general goals, whose to say that completing these won't change my life in some way.