Monday, February 8, 2010

Peanut butter cups and pens...

I received two packages in the mail this past week and both were AWESOME! But one did make me a bit happier than the other...and that's because it was 1) a complete surprise and 2) edible. Someone from home decided to make my day and sent a box of homemade candy! Every year she makes these little pieces of heaven and distributes them to her friends. This year I was out of the country, but that didn't stop her from giving me a taste. In fact, I'm pretty sure that I got more than my fair share :)

The other package wasn't such a surprise...since I ordered it myself, but I was still pretty excited. I ordered a set of 10 Stabilo point 88 fineliner felt tip pens from Amazon (after being inspired by a classmate) and now my planner is oh so colorful. Happiness...

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