Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Local Take-out

The other day, I got a very important call.  It was a call from a very loyal friend to tell me that a local cafe called the Woodland's Center was serving mushroom stroganoff for lunch.  I've got a thing for mushrooms and stroganoff, and very much wanted to try it.  Since this loyal friend happens to work at this cafe on weekends, she had them put aside some for me to pick up.

When I went in to pick it up, here's what I got:

"Just bring it back when you're through," the helpful young man said.  Of course climbing up to my Gaelic class with it took away a bit of the charm, but not all of it.

Next time: The Ness Melodeon Band World Tour Part 1

A trip to Scalpay

courtesy of:

This past Saturday we took a trip to a little island off the coast of the Isle of Harris (which is actually south of Lewis...and completely attached, see the map if you don't believe me!).  If you're observant & have your glasses on, you'll be able to see Scalpay off the southeast coast.

Anyway, we were shown around by someone who was born and brought up there, and it was lovely!  There are fishing ports all over the place, and more houses than I thought there'd be.  Apparently it used to be a thriving fishing community and was visited by fishing boats from all over.

In addition to the exceptional tour, we also were invited into a local home for tea!  Let me tell you, that was a good tea spread.

It was a dreary day, but I did manage to get a few pictures!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Poly Pocket Project

If you're a member of my generation, here's what popped into your head just now:

Weren't they brilliant!  I have fond memories of various soap opera's I created using my palm sized polly pocket compacts, but that's not what I'm talking about.

My POLY Pocket Project looked more like this:

I went through all my Country Living magazines (the UK version), tore out the pages I liked, and slid them into poly pockets.  I now have two binders full of lovely magazine spreads to take home with me! 

And in case you were wondering...that plant has indeed seen better days.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Thank-you for your custom

So I was at the Golden Ocean today, mentally preparing myself for the awesomeness that is their Crispy Chili Chicken, and I saw this.

Can you see this?  Just in case you're glasses are in the other room, I'll let you take a double take...goodness knows I needed one.

"Thank You for your custom"  Approximately 5 minutes before I sat down and ordered my Crispy Chili Chicken, I saw this exact phrase on the ATM screen after it gave me my money.  

Did I miss something? I mean, I know that technically, I would be a customer...  But do I need to get used to the idea that I give businesses my custom?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Journal Entries!

No, I have not given up on my new Art Journal!  The very idea...this early on in the game?  Have you no faith in me?

What?  You want proof?  Fine then.

Feb 2- I felt like making paper snowflakes...and out came this rather awkward journal page...also went nuts with the whiteout!
Feb 4- After our power outage, crawling out of bed in our freezing house was HARD.  I definitely missed the days at home when my mom and dad would get the house warm for me!

There's nothing quite like the feeling I get when I'm given a calendar for free, so when I came across this one, and got it delivered to my door no charge I was soooo EXCITED!!!

Feb 5- A visit from the police shouldn't brighten your day, but our local law enforcement officers were so pleasant and agreeable that I didn't mind the visit at all.
Feb 10- I love bunnies...

Right.  That oughta show you!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Pea Soup (this is not a recipe...I don't even like pea soup)


         After yesterday's glorious sunshine, today just didn't meet my expectations for the forecasted partly cloudy day. The closest we came to any sunshine today was this "hint" of it tonight.  This "hint" baaarely coming through the thick fog that rolled in just in time to help us celebrate Friday. 

         It was a bit eerie being out in the mist...until I heard the herd in the back having dinner that is...  They don't seem to mind the fog at all, at least not as much as they minded me and my camera.  They were quite vocal about it!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I make croutons when I'm bored.

Last week was long.  I'm not sure if it had to do with the fact that we were on our last week of February, (it may be the shortest technically, but it's the longest for me), or if I should blame it on the lack of interesting events to report.  Here, excuse me while I consult my calendar...

Blah. Work. Work. Blah.

Thank-goodness for weekends!  Once Saturday FINALLY ARRIVED, I got to go over to a friends house for a good old-fashioned sleepover!!!  It was awesome and I even made some new discoveries.

1) Over here french toast isn't served with syrup, powdered sugar, whipped cream or even fruit.  They eat it with something they call "brown sauce."  I've tasted it before, but don't expect me to enlighten you if you don't know what it is.  All you need to know, is that it's far from sweet.

2) This exists:
I LOVE this egg holder!  How fitting.
3) I found Mountain Dew at a local gas station!  The first I've seen over here...  Unfortunately, it tastes funny...and is labeled as an energy drink that may not be suitable to kids.  Hmmm...

4) I need to stick to using packing lists...  I forgot to bring my toothbrush, hairdryer, moisturizer, AND my pj's.  Seriously.  A sleepover without pj's?  Then, when I came home I realized that I'd left my mirror, cleanser, salad dressing, and olives there! (the last two I acquired while on my visit...I'd like to make it clear that don't make it a habit to bring my own dressing and olives with me on sleepovers).