Thursday, January 20, 2011

Back on the Wagon

After months of neglecting my art journal, I've finally started journal #3...well, technically #4.  Journal #3 was very disappointing.  So disappointing that it's lost its number status.  The pages were not watercolor friendly, and honestly, any page that doesn't get along with watercolor, doesn't get along with me.  In the past, I made my own journals using a Moleskine planner cover and watercolor paper, but seriously...this time I could not be bothered.

So, Hobby Lobby to the rescue!  I made time during my Christmas holiday to make a couple visits to this amazing store, and boy did it come through for me.  It's by far the best art and crafts store I have ever visited and possibly will ever visit.  Absence makes the heart grow fonder they say, but my love for this store has been a constant for years.

Anyway, here's the main event:'s 3:00...tea time!

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