Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rail Trip!

A random London park

I am a packing list fiend. I, without fail, compile a packing list for any overnight trip I make. The only time I skip this step is when I use a list I've already made (and saved) for the destination in question. Of course, like most people, I still forget things somehow, and as I embarked on an 18hr trip to London yesterday, I forgot something I never thought I could.

A PEN!!! That's write (oops...). That's right. I found myself on a train leaving Inverness without a pen... Without a writing instrument of any kind!

Me! The girl that ALWAYS has at least 3 pens of different sizes and colors in EVERY purse/bag she owns. At least I did until I went OCD on completely cleaning out & storing away my backpack in between trips.

FAIL. intensify my pen craving, my London Trip novel of choice is Paper: The Dreams of a Scribe. Here's a quote for ya:

He was full of energy, invigorated by crime, ready for paper. But what paper could he use? Where were the luminous sheets of moonshine with the watermark of a star, where were the papers woven with silk filaments of the sun?
But all he had was prostituted straw.

Well buddy, we've all got our problems.

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