Sunday, January 11, 2009


Well the world is still slowly turning and yet another week has passed since I've been home. The job search is still in full force, but the future looks grim. It isn't exactly the busy season in this part of the country, and the economy could be better. Not to mention my agonizing past history of job's not exactly the easiest thing for me to do. But I will continue on, unemployment is worse than job hunting.

I've been trying to keep up my spirits since being back from the farm, and some days are better than others, but lately the uncertainty of my future in Scotland has been distracting me a bit.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A New Year...New Plans

Yes, it's been awhile since I've updated, and yes plans have changed a bit. Even though my last post was pretty vague, it was probably pretty clear that I was waiting to see what plan B would look like. Well, here's plan B... I am back home, and will stay home a bit longer than I had planned. Scotland is now three months away instead of three days which stinks, but I am just thankful that as of now, I can still see it coming.

But three months? What in the world am I supposed to do for three months? Yes, I can hear everyone that has managed not to forget that I do occasionally blog telling me, "get a job!" Ugh, I know. I gave myself the holidays to pretend that I was just visiting and come Monday I will begin the ever thrilling job search.

However, even though my near future is looking pretty bleak to me, it's not all bad. Here's an example...take a look at this adorable little face...