So I know Pinterest is old news, but I'll have YOU know that I've been on Pinterest for months and months. Yes, that's right, I was riding the cusp of this fad back before most people had heard of it. For those of you who don't even know what I'm talking about (don't feel too bad about being behind), here's a description for you.
Pinterest is a site dedicated to accumulating pictures that catch your fancy as you're surfing the net. I love this because not only is it handy, but it's gorgeous as well. It displays all your pictures in such a visually pleasing way. I also love it because you can follow other people's "pins" and discover new things.
On that note, I've had some strange followers... Apparently it's crazy easy to find other Pinterest members through facebook, and so I've had tons of facebook friends following my boards. Even guys. Now, I hate to be sexist, but my boards are centered around home decor, hairstyles and fluffy bunnies, so this has me confused.
In other unrelated news... We saw the northern lights last night!!!