Thursday, June 30, 2011

Carrying on a bit of fishing...

I haven't been fishing in many many moons.  I mean, it's quite possible that I haven't fished since I turned 16.  That's 10 years ago!  Now, it's not like I've been longing to go all this time, I haven't been pining after quality time with a fishing pole.  I clearly remember not being very successful, and quietly & patiently waiting for fish to bite isn't exactly up my alley.

However, in spite of my history (or lack of history) with fishing, I decided to head out with my dad and sister this weekend.  Guess what!  I caught some!  In fact, I was the first one to reel one in.  I'm 78% sure that my success was due to the trail mix I brought along.  I think that snacking helped me relax, and kept me quiet.  I am 100% sure that the trail mix made the experience more enjoyable than a food-free fishing trip would've been.