So, I guess it's been almost 2 months since I arrived in Scotland, and I believe now I finally feel settled in. Until now we've been working on getting bank accounts, meeting neighbors, and making this house look a little less...well...I won't get into that. Another item of business that we've been working on and waiting for is our phone and internet service, this being in my mind the highest on the list of "things I need to feel at home." It may sound trivial to some of you, but after more thought, I'm sure most would agree that having internet (aka communication with the outside world) on an island far far away from home is very close to a necessity.
All that to say that this week, we got our internet installed! Yay!!! There was much rejoicing, and then silence as we spent the next hour on our computers... So hopefully, now I will be posting a bit more often.
And since I enjoy posting pictures on this blog, here's the view from my window...

In other news...I have been spending a significant amount of time behind the wheel of our MANUAL Ford Fiesta...and I'm doing alright if I do say so myself. I have yet to kick it into 5th gear, but it may be a long time before that is necessary...these island roads make 50 mph feel reckless!