I have been arguing with myself over whether or not I should write this post, and in the end you can see which side won...even though it was after extensive negotiation. So when this post seems maddeningly vague to you, remember the negotiation :)
The past week has been a bit of a rough week for me and a few others, we are experiencing first hand having to trust God when it seems like He has withdrawn his promise. Yes, a few of us here at the farm have had our dreams crushed or are waiting while they are in serious jeopardy of being crushed. I am at the moment, the luckiest person in this exclusive little group because although my dream is in great danger of disappearing, there is still a shred of hope. While I am thankful that I have this reason to hope, being completely helpless as I watch and wait isn't the easiest task in the world. But here I am, watching and waiting for other people to decide...sigh...
If it hasn't been made abundantly clear...I'm in need of prayer ;)