Please tell me you feel sorry for us. Never mind that it was technically all our fault...that we deserved to have such pathetic looks on our faces. What's the story behind such sadness you ask? Well, I'll tell you.
Or rather, show you...
We were in this queue, and literally hundreds of people behind that utterly dedicated Mumford & Son's fan that had arrived at An Lanntair in the wee hours of a very blustery, wet and cold morning (rumor has it, twas at 2:30am) for their tickets. The box office opened at 10am, and all ticket sales had to happen in person with a limit of 2 tickets per person. Tickets sold out in 16 minutes.
What time did we arrive at the scene? I am too ashamed to tell you.
But long enough for me to get thoroughly chilled, long enough to get completely disgusted with myself and the my situation as my tears froze to my face, and thankfully, long enough to get over it before the doors opened.