So after a well deserved chiding from a devoted reader (aka friend and possibly bored office worker), I'm coming out with the big news!
I got my froggie AND he's still alive! Oh yes, he is still alive and kicking...literally. It was touch and go there for a few days...which is why I didn't write right away. He was extremely anti-social and I couldn't even get a picture of him! He wouldn't leave the castle I was nice enough to put in his aquarium, and didn't seem to care at all that I wanted to be friends. My last two frogs were extremely social creatures, so I was a bit worried about him. In an effort to bring him out of his froggie depression, I bought him some mollies to help him chill out. It worked! Within 24 hours Golly and Miss Molly got lil Murdo out of his castle.
Let me tell you, they may be little critters, but it was definitely worth it. I wasn't meant to be in a pet-less household.
So that was the big news. The next big news is... My family is coming on Tuesday!!! Wahooo!!!